Potomac Antique Aero Squadron Fly In

    Join us!

at Massey Aerodrome

Schedule of Activities

Saturday, June 1

08:30   Field open for arrivals

09:00   Registration for judging opens

09:30   Aircraft judging begins

11:00   Lunch available for purchase 

14:00   Aircraft judging ends

16:00   Awards ceremony

Please join us and celebrate 52 years of Potomac Antique Aero Squadron Fly-Ins!

PAAS is hosting our annual gathering of aircraft, including judging and awards, in June 2024.

Once again the great folks at Massey Aerodrome are graciously allowing the use of their historic airfield for this event.

​A printable one page flyer can be downloaded here: PAAS 2024 Fly-In Fly-er

Procedure information for Massey Aerodrome 


As always, check your NOTAMs before flying. MD1 has obtained a carve-out that allows aircraft to operate into and out of the field even when the Presidential TFR centered on Wilmington is in effect, but the boundary lies very close to the field. If you intend to fly an aircraft that is not equipped to comply with the TFR rules (no transponder/ADS-B Out) you must exercise extreme care and be situationally aware.

This event is free to attend and everyone is welcome -- fly, drive, bicycle, walk!

If you would like to submit your aircraft for judging, there is a $15 registration fee. Categories are detailed on the flyer.

There will be food vendors on the field providing lunch items and snacks.